This text is a little desciption of the programs in this directory: unpLibInfo ---------- This program will show all the decrunchers the library can unpack. You can with the more option see more information of the decrunchers. unpList ------- With this program you can see if a file or a directory is packed and if so, with which one. If you don't give any arguments, the current directory will be scanned. unpTrack -------- If you want to unpack a track packed file, such as DMS files, you can use this program. It requires a filename of the packed file and which device you want to unpack to. This can be df0:, rad: and so on. You can with the verify option set if you want to verify the unpacked data. As default you will see if there is any banner in the packed file. This can be turned off with the nobanner option. unpUnpack --------- This program can unpack a file or a directory. It requires the path or dest argument. If you use the path argument, you just tell the program where you want to unpack the files. If you want to unpack an archive, you have to use this argument. Other crunched files will just be unpacked to the path to give with the original filename. The dest argument can be used if you just want to unpack one file. With this argument you just give a new filename you want the unpacked data to be saved in. If you want to set the protection bits of the files before it tries to unpack, use the protect option. If you don't give any files or directories, the current directory will be unpacked.